How is it that people can turn a blind eye to science? Do some people think that scientist are in there labs making this stuff up to scare and worry you? To me global warming is absolutely real. I take the words of the ones who know about it best, the ones who have done the research and the ones who took the time to find out. They are the ones I believe to be right, not the older generation who are saying, "everything's fine" while sitting back in there reclining chairs, driving there gas guzzling cars.I will not be one of the people who takes this world for granted.

Have you ever seen a global disaster movie? The scenes where shit is hitting the fan and everyone is hysterical? With the crazy "hippy" on the side of the sidewalk that is holding a sign that says its coming? If you didn't believe that global warming was real and disaster strikes us one day would you feel stupid while running for your life and saw that hippy holding there sign that said stop global warming before it is too late?
Global warming has the power to crush this planet and everyone living on it. It could send tsunami waves to places that have never seen one before. It could create devastating tornadoes and earthquakes around the world. It could lead to terrifying things and ultimately, the end of this world and most importantly everything on it..
On the bright side there is a way to prevent these terrible things from happening and yes they are all things the typical hippy would do. Start recycling, stop wasting and start caring. If everyone could just change one thing that they do that is wasteful it could help to improve this global warming dramatically. Use a reusable bottle and an under the sink water filter to replace all the wasted plastic drinking bottles. Even the smallest change like not using paper plates anymore could make it much safer living on the skin of this world.

If you would like to learn about global warming click on the world pictures on this post. I have linked them to informative videos that can help you become better informed about what global warming is, what it can do and most importantly, how to help prevent it.
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