I went to an Over Eaters Anonymous class a few weeks ago. It is kind of like AA but for over eaters. (so I have heard) I was excited to try something new and I am glad that I attended. However there were some things that I did not agree with regarding what is best for becoming healthier.
Personally I believe that being open and honest with others but especially with yourself is the most important step to achieving any goal in life. In that class I had learned that no one is to talk out side of group about anyone else. This is suppose to make the members feel more comfortable opening up and I can completely understand that. Although my goal is to be open no matter what someone else says about me. Hearing that made me start thinking, "Should I really care about what others have to say about me?" and that is something I do not want to contemplate ever again. I am going to continue telling my story and expressing my feelings. The other people in that group had great things to say and seemed like awesome people but I will respect them and not share there stories.
In my opinion, who cares If someone says, "Oh this chubby girl Emily loves pizza and is too sensitive"? I don't, at least anymore I don't. I use to hide in my house for about a 3 year span a few years ago. I was to afraid to go out into public, worried about what people would say about me. I wondered, "Would someone drive by and call me fat again and will I cry this time?" I thought it was best to hide myself inside so that way I wouldn't have to be sad anymore. FART THAT!
The Over Eaters group was nice because I got to hear people being real, open and honest and that is what I crave in life. But when I found out about the rules and the reasons why people were opening up I began to think that it wasn't real. That they think that a little book of rules will actually keep them safe from other peoples thoughts and opinions about themselves. However that is only what I am assuming.There are always going to be people out there judging you, making comments and there is no way to hide from that.You just have to except it, stay confident in yourself, know who you are and to try not to care. All's I do know is that I want to go for it. To Say How I feel, To Be Strong, To Be Confident, TO Be ME..blah..blah...blah.... it's all at up the top (*_*)
Personally I believe that being open and honest with others but especially with yourself is the most important step to achieving any goal in life. In that class I had learned that no one is to talk out side of group about anyone else. This is suppose to make the members feel more comfortable opening up and I can completely understand that. Although my goal is to be open no matter what someone else says about me. Hearing that made me start thinking, "Should I really care about what others have to say about me?" and that is something I do not want to contemplate ever again. I am going to continue telling my story and expressing my feelings. The other people in that group had great things to say and seemed like awesome people but I will respect them and not share there stories.
In my opinion, who cares If someone says, "Oh this chubby girl Emily loves pizza and is too sensitive"? I don't, at least anymore I don't. I use to hide in my house for about a 3 year span a few years ago. I was to afraid to go out into public, worried about what people would say about me. I wondered, "Would someone drive by and call me fat again and will I cry this time?" I thought it was best to hide myself inside so that way I wouldn't have to be sad anymore. FART THAT!
I have worked very hard on my confidence and still have a way to go. I will never hide myself again and I plan on always living for me and for no one else.

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