What I do think is that there is no possible way to be 100% sure about what comes after death. That it all comes down to what you believe to be true. I have to Get This Out Of My Head. I get a little annoyed when people try and convince others that what they believe is right. How can some people be that confident? There is no physical proof of anything that happens after we die only old books and stories.(as far as I know)

Respect goes much further than just what is after death. Unfortunately there is many ways to disrespect the people who are sharing this world with you.Would you put someone else down because they don't love like you do? Why should you be the one to tell someone else what kind of person they should love or be intimate with? I think that anyone's feelings would be hurt if they were told that the person they love is not the right choice for them. Being gay is one example of how to love. There are so many people out there who are against gay rights and again, why are they so confident? How do they know it is wrong? There is no proof to say that being gay is not right. Gay people are not spontaneously com-busting everywhere. Instead they seem to be getting hurt by the ones who do not except them, how is that right?

Would you be offended if someone would not choose to eat what you do? I have been told that my diet (vegan) is wrong. It frustrates me because it usually comes from the people who don't have any information about it at all. People who mostly get there nutritional knowledge from advertisements and I have done a lot of research over the past few years to find out how food effects your health. It hasn't been easy resisting the foods that I once loved but I am a vegan now and proud to be. However, just because I have chosen this lifestyle it does not mean that I will tell you how you need to eat. I could be wrong but I have heard the facts from both sides and have made my decision and have never felt better.

It is impossible to be perfect in everyone's eyes. Having an open mind is great way to think but you can change yourself to become better and there will always be someone out there who does not think you are right for being who you are. I use to live for everyone else. I tried to be what they wanted me to be and I lost myself along the way but I came back. I have since realized that this is my life and I only get one. My future is awaiting me and I want it too look how I see it, not how they do.
What about insects and small creatures, do they deserve respect? Some people I know say that they don't deserve to live. Why? They were put onto this planet along with us. Is it because they are small? Babies are small should we squish them, no. Is it because they have no feelings, families or worth? I think that if you were shrunken down to there size you would see the love and meaning to there lives. I think that most human beings take there bodies for granted. I also wonder if dinosaurs were to come again and started squishing and killing all of us would people then understand that just because you are little you still deserve a right to life? When a bug comes into my house instead of stepping on it I capture it and let it go outside. It is the least I could do because after all our house was built right on top of theirs.

How can you be respected if you don't give it? To me everyone and everything deserves respect if it's given back. I also think that there is no way for someone to be a 100% right. At least no way to be right in everyone's eyes. It does not feel good to be disrespected. You may be be upset with my words right now. You could feel angry and offended with what I have to say. I am sorry if this is true but I have a right to my own opinion and I would love to hear and try to respect yours too..
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